Chulo is a popular slang terms in Mexico. Discover chulo meaning and how to use it on your next travel to Mexico.

The meaning of chulo

It is a Mexican term that refers to a person, thing or place of great charm, beautiful, attractive.

Chulo: examples of use

  • “Esa playa está muy chula” – That beach is very chula (beautiful)
  • “Ella es la chula de la escuela” – She is the chula (pretty) of the school
  • Mexico es chulo – Mexico is chulo (charming, beautiful)
  • “Pablo es un papi chulo” – Pablo is a papi chulo (papi chulo means: a man with charm or attractive)

But it also has other meanings:

Man who lives at the expense of his partner, freeloader.

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Also it is an appellation to address a market or street vendor to a female customer:

  • “¡Hola chula! ¿Qué vas a llevar hoy?” – Hey chula (pretty)! What are you going to take today

It also functions as an adverb and means good:

  • “Enrique trabaja bien chulo” – Enrique works chulo (pretty good)

With information from the Mexican Academy of Language.

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